Flock Printing


Flock printing is also acknowledged as Flocking which constitutes the application and congregation of fibres of cotton, wool or any natural or man made substance to paper, glass, metals or textile products.

Flocking appends a velvety nap to the surface, thereby beautifying and boosting up the surface shell with the smearing of multiples hues on to the printed zone.


The process of Flock printing incorporates a printing table, standardized glue, powder of fibre, decorated screen, electric plate, net like flock filter and belt curing device or machine.

At the very outset, you need to arrange the flock powder and the standardized gum. Now rest the fabric on the table and paste the gum by using the designed screen.

Then it’s time to put the fabric on electric plate and sprinkle flock powder over it with net flock filter.

Dry the flock printed fabric with belt curing machine and confirm the quality.


The very apparent point of merit of flock printing is its velvety texture which becomes a mark of elegance adding décor to the fabric.

The process is also characterized by professional touch and finishing, with soft and smoothie surface, leaving a wow imprint to the matter.

The flock of fibres in flock printing doesn’t allow having any scratches or abrasion which results in having a persistent and dignified look.

The process at the same time is extremely cost effective, much lesser than embroidery, thus, perfectly suiting your pocket.

The quality of a single color flock print is very good, demanding and reliable.


Flocks of fibres can be applied to natural as well as synthetic products like cotton, rayon, glass, paper, metals, glass etc.

Its ubiquitous presence can be initiated in T-shirts, floor coverings, carpets and a host of other items.

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